The CarDealer Used Car Awards 2023 take place in November at The Brewery London, and we'll be there to celebrate the industry's achievements and hopefully take home the award for 'Used Car Website'.
We proudly made it through to the final shortlisting in the category, after 10 dealerships were whittled down to 5 after tough mystery shopping from the judges.
Robert Robinson, Marketing Manager at Frosts Cars said: "The CarDealer Used Car Awards are one of the most prestigious ceremonies in the automotive industry. We're thrilled to be shortlisted in this competitive category and we look forward to celebrating the industry's achievements on the evening".
The glittering ceremony takes place on Monday 27th November at The Brewery in London. With fellow industry judges, TV's 'Wheeler Dealer' Mike Brewer judged the entries and will host the awards on the evening: "Getting into the final five from the huge number of entries we receive every year is an incredible achievement in itself. It’s worthy of a celebration and the awards night will be just that. I wish all those named on our shortlist the best of luck and look forward to toasting your achievements with you on the night".